Tree Lovers

Human beings have been living at the edge of forests, for a very, very long time

Here at Intree Solutions, our passion is trees. We saw this trailer recently and the opening voice-over really resonated with us.

Though we work in and around trees everyday, if you are like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to the trees near you. They are just there. But trees are living, breathing organisms. They come in all shapes and sizes and they often live longer than we do.

If you live in the Blue Mountains, trees are an integral part of our environment. They are just one of the many natural things, that help make this part of the world so special.

As for Treeline, don’t be fooled by the trailer. It isn’t just about snowboarding. Titled Treeline: A Story Written in Rings, Treeline is a movie following a group of skiers, snowboarders, scientists and healers to the birch forests of Japan, the red cedars of British Columbia and the bristlecones of Nevada, as they explore an ancient story written in rings.

Treeline by Patagonia Films